Chabad Pembroke Pines is an outreach organization serving the diverse spiritual and social needs of the local Jewish community. Its goal is to broaden the level of Jewish awareness and observance among all segments of our community.

Chabad has been serving the Pembroke pines community for just over fifteen years offering programs such as its popular Hebrew School, nationally credited and internationally acclaimed JLI Adult education classes, Holiday programs and celebrations, warm and user-friendly Shabbat services and more...


Our philosophy and mission are based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe זי"ע and is dedicated to providing every Jew regardless of background, philosophy or level of commitment, an open door environment for strengthening and enhancing Jewish family life. 


Chabad serves individuals and families looking for an anchor and non-judgmental, accepting, personalized, and joyful Jewish experience.


We are enthusiastic about offering meaningful Jewish experience, education and renewal opportunities for all men, women, and children. Chabad offers "Judaism with a Smile," and a home away from home for everyone who walks through its doors. Through the many programs, services and events Chabad provide opportunities for all ages, genders, and affiliation allowing everyone to feel connected. 


The services are traditional, and are conducted in a joyous, casual atmosphere. Children are included and encouraged to attend. Many of those who attend cannot read Hebrew, yet everyone feels at home. The prayer book is bi-lingual and various English readings are included in the service. Song and commentary add meaning and participation to the prayers. We also speak Spanish and offer prayer books in Spanish and other languages.


An important part of our community is the weekly Kiddush Luncheon that follows the Shabbat morning services, where friendships are created and nurtured and we celebrate each other's happy occasions and anniversaries.


We are most excited to announce that Chabad of Pembroke Pines has begun a new era in our growth and development! And with your help we can grow and reach new and higher heights. Chabad has recently moved into a beautiful 2.27 acre property and erected a 2800 square foot building to serve the community. We would love you to join us in this endeavor and become a partner with us in growing the community one person at a time. 


Please allow yourself the opportunity to visit and participate in our vibrant congregation. By becoming a member at Chabad of Pembroke pines you will acquire lifelong friendships, an opportunity for spiritual growth, and most importantly a chance to be a part of your Jewish community. Please feel free to visit us for services or any other program, or just stop in to say hello.


For more information or to arrange a meeting with the Rabbi, please call our office at 954-391-9999 or email us to [email protected]