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Rabbi Mordechai Andrusier is originally from Brooklyn,  NY.

Inspired by the Lubavitcher Rebbe's vision, he co-founded Chabad of Pembroke Pines in 2005 with his wife Tzirel.  Rabbi Mordechai received his Rabbinical degree in New Jersey and attended Rabbinical seminaries in Los Angeles, Bnai Brak, Miami and Sydney.




kinnus pic.JPG Rebbetzin Tzirel Andrusier is originally from Buenos  Aires, Argentina.
Tzirel grew up in the small city of Concordia where her parents built a strong community and founded multiple institution of Jewish education.

She grew up in the holy work of bringing her Jewish brethren closer to our Jewish heritage. After marrying Rabbi Mordechai in January 2005, she moved to Pembroke Pines.

Tzirel attended college in Montreal. She received her B.A. in education in 2003.



Rebbetzin Mathy Goldshmid is originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

Mathy attended college in Montreal and Costa Rica. She has taught and ran events and programs around the world.







  Rabbi Saul Wildau is originally from Entre Rios, Argentina.


He started his education in the Rabbinical School - Tomchei Tmimim Yeshivah. Rabbi Wildau received his Rabbinical degree and started his journey in Brussels, Belgium as an Assistant Rabbi, and then in Argentina. Since 2020, we have had the pleasure of having him in our Community as our Assistant Rabbi.